Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Introducing processor Exynos chip Equipped New Model?

Samsung now in the process of building Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 3- two latest smartphone models to be introduced later in the year 2013.

The same thing also happened at the end of 2011 too much ideas about Galaxy Note 2 and Galaxy S3 appearance discussed began to warm in the forums also in social media, rumors finally became reality of today.

As evidence, Galaxy Note 2 was launched in September 2012 while the Galaxy S3 was first launched in May 2012, based on what I believe the rumors seem to have some merit even a Rumours.

Galaxy Note 3 is said to have a 6.3 inches screen size, the display is built from the OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) is no longer an LCD. Both devices will use the latest model Samsung Exynos processor chip with twice the overall performance is better than the current Exynos model, making both devices have graphics capabilities as well as full support for 4G internet connection in any country.

The prototype of Galaxy 3 and Galaxy Note rumored will be appear in Mobile World Congress 2013 , February 2013
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